Friday, February 4, 2011

Ice Day

What to do...what to do...I'm seriously bored out of my mind! We had a slew of cold weather here that iced the roads over, got a little bit of snow, not much, just enough to cover all the ice on the roads. Jason had to work today, I was scheduled to go in to work a little late this morning. Jason was steady texting and calling saying I was not allowed to drive into work, well bless his sweet lil' heart, he said the roads were really bad (it's ok for him to get out in it but not for me)...well about 8:00am we got word that we were going to have the day off. So ok, it's hard enough to find things to do on Saturday and Sunday when Jason's working, now I have to find something for Friday, Saturday and Sunday...AHHHHHHHH!

I went back to sleep for a while but that got old, tried watching TV but again, that got off to the office it was to clean out for Baby James. I managed to knock out quite a bit of cleaning in that room but we are far from being done!!! A couple of weeks ago Jason got tired of waiting on me to get in there and clean up so he got some plastic tubs and just threw everything in there...boy what a mess! Oh well, I managed to empty one tub as well as clean everything off the floor! Baby James is bringing out the inner cleaning monster that I'm sure Jason will grow to love! :)

Everything was frozen, so Dixie had a treat, she got to drink her water inside the house today...see, she's a messy drinker and sloshes water all over the place so we have been leaving it outside for her, well with the weather, it was frozen solid. I brought it in and let it sit in front of the fire for a while and she was in heaven, it was a treat for her to get to have her water bowl inside the house!

Well, that's it for cleaning...gotta get dinner ready for hubby, he didn't take a lunch break today so he's gonna be hungry!

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