Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things I've learned in the past week...

So over the past week I have had a few pieces of wisdom come to me that I thought I would share :)

-You can't hang 20 wet t-shirts on a shower curtain rod...it will fall down and make a big mess!

-Life is about compromises

-I'm married to a local celebrity, I just need to accept it! :)

-No splash bleach is so much better than the runny kind...

-Texas heat is no fun!

-My husband can sleep through ANYTHING! (i.e. the shower curtain rod and clothes falling down)

-Never go to bed mad and always say "I love you" before you fall asleep

-I am disliked by some, probably even hated by a few, but loved by so many that the before-mentioned don't matter

-It's not what is said but how it's said that can really hurt

-People are not always what they seem at first

-I have more patience than I gave myself credit for

-Even at 27 you can ask for permission and not get your way

-Sometimes you have to realize it's not about getting what you want but what will make everyone else happy around you

-My line of work has made me very uncomfortable with certain things and people

-Being told that you look nice can make you light up inside like you never knew was possible

-Everyone needs a best friend to bring you back to reality when you feel your world is crashing down around you

-Mosquito bites are the devil!

-I really hate going over bridges...especially when you find out that a boat hit one, an accident occurred on another and when stuck on top for over an hour you can feel it sway!

A little toe-tappin' happiness:
You still need stars when you're wishin' at night
A best friend to set you right
A good laugh, warm bath
And a beautiful song you can sing along to
Good news that'll make you cry
All the little things that money can't buy
No wars, no more
Just a big rainbow outside my window

I'm sure I'll add to this as time goes on...

Monday, June 21, 2010

More wedding festivities!

So my sister-in-law got married this past weekend. It was a nice weekend to get married, hot, but nice nonetheless. They had a ceremony at home then a party after. It was beautiful, congrats to Jaclyn and Skipper. Best wishes for an amazing future together!

The James family

Me and my honey

Me and the beautiful bride

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thought for the day

Hadn't posted one of these in a while and thought today's was a good one:

"If we can get in the habit of thinking about and responding to life in a slightly less dramatic way, it can help us keep out perspective, see the bigger picture, and respond with more wisdom and equanimity."

I have been absolutely horrible this week, skipping out on my boot camp regime but I just don't feel like it. No good reason, I just am tired and don't feel like it. Jason's so sweet telling me it's ok, I work so hard and to get up every morning for 4 weeks straight at 4:00am only to rush home and very quickly get ready for an 8 hour work day; so I finally convinced myself that he was right and I did deserve a break every now and then and now was the perfect time! However, I need to remember to stay away from the fried foods! They are not good...not even in moderation!!!

It's Wednesday, that's Hump Day to many, and I wondered where that term came from...I mean I know the obvious, it's the middle of the work week. I found this for your reading pleasure:

Referring to Wednesday as "hump day” is a tradition in American English. It refers to the idea that a week — especially a work week — is like a hill. Monday and Tuesdays are days when you climb up, since they are the beginning or start of your work week. At the end of Wednesday, you’ve reached the pinnacle of the week, and your work on Thursday and Friday represents climbing down toward the weekend.

Hump day then refers specifically to that middle of the week point, where you reach the crest of your journey and begin to pace downward toward the end of the week. If you have a tedious job or just work hard, it can be comforting to reach hump day. Then, the weekend doesn’t seem so far off and nebulous as when you started work on Monday.

There is some dispute about whether Wednesday is truly hump day. Especially when the expression emerged, many people worked a six-day week, and had only the Sabbath or Sunday as a day of rest. Some suggest that in this context, Thursday would have actually been hump day. Also, if you are simply looking at the course of the week, Thursday is the fourth day of the week and in the direct middle, if your week begins on Monday. Yet, many people count the beginning of the week as Sunday, and that makes Wednesday the true middle, whether or not you are using “hump day” in reference to working.

Though many may view hump day as a very positive thing, Wednesday gets something of a bad rap at times. The rhyme that describes children born on each day describes children born on Wednesday as “full of woe.” Wednesday may be thought of as gray days, unhappy days, or unlucky days according to folk literature. Nevertheless, for many working people, the arrival of hump day is one for cheering, and whether that day is windy or gray, it still means that Friday is close at hand!

I sure hope I wasn't born on a Wednesday...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wedding for my baby turtle

The time has finally come...my lil' was married off this weekend...tear...now it's time for babies! Hilary was the last of my lil' family to get married. It was a gorgeous wedding!

My family - Carly (gran-lil'), Hilary (lil') and me...the "big"

Me and my honey...he was so handsome!

Me and the beautiful BRIDE!!!

Jason dancing with the bride...right before she left for Hawaii!!!

The group minus a few...getting ready to send Hilary off

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The beginning of the craziness

June has already started off super busy! We got back from Chicago and I had to hurry and clean the house and get it all purdified for a Premier Jewelry party. I know, I have too much, but I was a guinea pig and I got a lot of really neat things!

We (by that I mean a sorority sister and myself) are in the process of interviewing some potential new house mothers for our girls. We were thrown into it very quickly and met with some amazing ladies over the course of 3 days! Hope to have that taken care of soon!

Work has been super busy, Jason and I go pretty much the entire day now and don't speak...it's crazy to think that we used to not be able to go 30 minutes without talking, now we can go an entire day! Ahhh...young love! :) Totally joking! It's nice, it makes for good conversation at home in the evenings...that is, when he's not working late or I'm not at meetings or such. I have begun cooking a lot at home...Jason teases...calling me all domesticated and homely! Silly boy!

We finally have our yard looking super healthy and GREEN! I have flowers...yes, I actually managed to keep them alive this year! The rain has helped me out a lot in that sense, but I have pretty flowers in the front of the house! AND...my hydrangea from the wedding last year has survived, there aren't any blooms on it but it's a thriving plant and I hope to have some blooms on it by next year!

He went fishing this past weekend with a buddy of his, caught some flounder...yummy!

Yea Jason said they aren't the most flattering of fish...he did a lot of night fishing, I hung out at the pool at the Crowley's...nice relaxing weekend for us both, just what we needed!!!

Wedding this weekend...super excited for Hilary and Randy!