Sunday, April 25, 2010

Duck Jam

We love us some Texas Country! Duck Jam is a two-day event hosted by the Ducks Unlimited club and has two days worth of concerts in our area. We had a blast!

Finally got to hang out with my bubba...seems like I have to make an appointment to see him these days! :)

Don't quite remember who was playing in the background...

Jason will kill me for not knowing who this is...he was very excited to get this photo though (Jason that is)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Note to self

When working late at the office I learned a few things that I thought were noteworthy:

1) The courthouse really makes some weird noises late at night
2) You are always on video
3) Silent alarms sound when you open the front doors
4) Sgt. over security gets a call no matter what the hour is that the alarm goes off...
5) It's very awkward when your boss says "so how was the office at 1:45am?" and you have no idea how he knew you were there?!?!

With the conference being just a hectic time for our office and all on the committee, things do come up at the last minute that have to be done, it's just inevitable... So sure enough, we had things come up so I volunteer to take care of everything, the "yes woman" that I am and night owl too, to stay up at the office until all hours of the night working on things and when I have reached my limit of exhaustion I finally decide to go home. So construction going on around the office and certain areas are blocked off...I had to park in a particular parking lot that is far from the "private" entrance we normally get to use. Well, at 2:00am I'm not going to walk around the courthouse with large plastic tubs and all my conference materials, it's just a little scary (of course I probably shouldn't have been at the courthouse that late anyway...) So I proceed to go out the front door. Now the first trip was difficult, I had a dolly, but it's a cheap one, and with two large tubs, and two boxes on top of that I managed to get out the doors with only knocking everything off once! The second trip was carrying a large white board...not heavy, just awkward in size...again, hitting doors and was difficult to say the least. The third trip was just me leaving, empty hands. Now I thought about getting someone from the jail to help me, it would have been the smart thing too now looking back because little did I know that the camera is always running by those doors and that those doors have a silent alarm that triggers when opened and gets the night sgt. called in the middle of the night...oops! Do you think that the jailers thought to come and see who was going in and out? Of course not! How about come and help a lady struggling and walking outside in the dark? Of course not! It's funny now, but at the time I just knew I was in trouble when my boss walks up to me at the conference (and keep in mind, at this point I have been up all night long, only cat-napping for about 30 minutes) and says "so how was the office at 1:45am?" you can imagine my shock because I knew he couldn't have known...well that night sgt. caught him and let him know. So...needless to say...I won't be up at the office late anymore...

Conference was amazing! Had over 400 attendees, my speakers were all amazing and had great reviews! I'm so glad to be a part of such an amazing group of volunteers putting on a conference of that magnitude. Surprising, I can't wait for next year's conference to see what it holds for us!

Friday, April 16, 2010

I survived!!!

First boot camp down and I survived! Sure, there were days (lots) that I wanted to just quit and give up but I knew that I wouldn't be proud of myself for doing that. We weighed in and got all our measurements taken again this morning and I managed to shed 8 lbs in the first session, lose a total of 6 inches over the different areas I was working and shaved about 2.5 minutes off my mile run! Go ME! And no I don't do photos of before and after. Most importantly, though, I feel so much better about myself! I can walk from my car to work (usually a few blocks) and not get winded! I can take the stairs instead of the elevator and not get winded! I can eat healthy and can actually be full! In 4 short weeks I feel as though I have morphed myself into this completely different person! I am actually excited to start my next round! And it does make you feel good about what you're doing when people start to notice that your body is changing and give you compliments! We get one week off and then we will start back up. I am glad we do have the next week off because I have a conference at work that I have to deal with and will be tied up next week.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Boot camp...ugh!

So I decided to try a round (or 3) of boot camps with Trevor Carney at Innovative Fitness. First off, I can't say enough good things about this group, Trevor and his team are phenomenal and looking at photos I can't wait to get going, but first I have to get myself over this "hump" of working out at 5:30am! I initially signed up with a friend thinking it wouldn't be so bad working out with someone, well she ended up having to quit so that left me alone to do this, I have already set up a payment plan so I am kinda stuck for the next three months. The first week (last week) was a little rough but tolerable, this week is starting to get a little more intense and Trevor has me doing this Fat Flush, a diet that is high in fat and lots of water intake to help flush "bad fat" out of my is my last day and I can't wait to be done!!! My energy levels are kinda low so I'm happy to start eating some protein again. I have noticed, even though it's only been two weeks, I have begun to notice the changes in my body, even my energy levels are up! So bring it on Boot Camp! Getting up early has been hard...I mean, I'm an early morning riser, but 4:00am is a little early even for me! I have to rush to get home and shower and get ready in about an hour's time...for anyone who knows me, that's just about impossible! So instead of making it to work at 7:45am, I've been running in at about 8:05am. I hope it gets better as I get a system down...

Thursday, April 1, 2010 how you flew by!

Man oh man did the month of March just fly by! Between work and the Rodeo, a wedding anniversary and a birthday, the month just flew by and I don't know where it went! We spent the first three weeks going back and forth to Houston for the rodeo. It was fun, but we can't do that too much longer...the final show we went to was Brooks & Dunn, The Final Rodeo Tour. It was an awesome show! Jason and I went early to go and walk around. Over the week we were gone on vacation a lot of baby animals were born so we got to see them all, soooo cute! We got our boots shined too since my clumsy self fell just a few times and scuffed my boots all up :( and Jason let me make my own rope, pink and green of course!

Baby piggies :)

I managed to come back home and get really sick...just in time for a busy weekend for the both of us. I was busy working at the Downtown Derby, a 5K Fun Run downtown to raise money for Jr. League and Jason was busy with Blue Bunny, an Easter egg hunt on a football field put on by the Police Chaplins. I had the worst ear infection that I ended up having to go to the Urgent Care after everything to get some medicine, then went home and literally slept for about 8 hours straight! Monday was Jason's birthday, he had jury duty all day long though so we went to dinner to spend some time together.

Jason doing an interview at Blue Bunny, he's so famous!!! :)

So now it's time to gear up and get ready for a conference for work, and to think, Jason and I are wanting to start a family this year...we are so busy, I don't know when we are going to have time!!!