Monday, April 30, 2012

10 months old

My oh my...another month gone by! You are becoming quite the lil' man, and so much fun for us!

This is the constant expression that I get now from him

Still can't sit still!

Check out all my toofers!

I still just can't believe that my lil' boy is growing up so fast! Weighing in at a whopping 21 lbs and measuring around 28 inches're a little too squirmy for mommy and daddy to get an acurate measurement. You are a healthy eater, taking two bottles a day (mainly formula now) and then nursing twice (although I think you could really do without them because you aren't starving) and then have 3 healthy meals a day. You are on a good baby food diet, however we have begun to introduce you to the things that we eat too and you are having NO PROBLEM with chomping down on real food! Still sleeping all through the night - woohoo - and take 2-3 naps a day. You are all over the place, crawling is so last year and now walking is your thing! You can maneuver your way all over the house as long as you have something to hold on to, and just recently you are beginning to let go more and more and walk on your own - the weeble walk, but still walking none the less. With this new talent of course comes new bumps and bruises, but you're a tough cookie and you bounce right back! You have quite the personality now too, you LOVE your Uncle Trey and can pick him out in a crowd, you still want to go to mommy and daddy and have become a lil' needy here lately. You are learning how to give kisses (on the cheek - lips are gross!), we are working on waving "bye bye" but still need some work on that and you and daddy have mastered "high 5's" pretty well. You are still able to wear anything from 6-12 month clothes, granted 6 are a little too short but they still fit just fine. 9 month are perfect but we know that they won't last long and then 12 month just gives us plenty of room to grow! You are wearing size 2 or 3 in shoes, it really depends on the brand and still in size 3 diapers - hopefully for a while! You are our little man now after your haircut, you look so grown up and I still am amazed each and every day with how much you change! You are in a very fun and playful stage right now, lots of people interaction - you don't know a stranger! That will probably come back to bite us one day but for now we love that you want to go to anybody, but still want to come back to us. We hate to leave and go to work but love that when we come home you can't move fast enough to get to us to hug on us and that makes it all worth it!

HAPPY 10 MONTHS Chunky Monkey!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

First real night away...

So once upon a time I was in college, lived in my sorority house and met this sweet lady, Nikki. She was my pledge sister, but most important, she was my roommate in the house. We didn't really know each other until a few weeks before the semester was ending and neither one of us had a roommate so we kinda just said "hey wanna be roommates?" and that was it. We turned out to be really good friends, and I can say that she has touched my life in ways I can't even begin to express in words. She didn't make it to our wedding, but when we got the invitation for her wedding Jason knew he wasn't getting out of this!!! So...we planned a road trip, to Dallas, for our first real night away from Hudson. Scary as it was, it was a nice break for me and Jason. Now, that's not to say that I was ready, I think I teared up just a lil' but in the end we had a good time at the wedding and Hudson was just fine.

Such a beautiful lady both inside and out

An amazing group of ladies

I sure had a HOT date!!!

We went on a lil' field trip the next morning before we came home

From here, I am standing on the exact spot that the second shot hit JFK

The memorial in his honor

So we survived, our first trip away from our lil' man, and had a pretty good time too. We went on a tour of the book depository building, but they wouldn't let us take photos in there. It was pretty neat though - guess you'll just have to take our word on that :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Celebrity Softball game

Jason is a local case you don't know!!! He was asked to participate in the celebrity softball game tonight and had so much fun - Hudson enjoyed himself too!

Us with Raini & Rico Rodriguez

Hudson giving Raini high fives

Now Rico's turn

She is the sweetest girl! (Rico was too, she was just more eager to hold Hudson)

Hudson meeting the First Lady of Aggieland

I think he's in love :)

Still just smiling away at her

We tried for a family picture but he was so over smiling at this point

My celebrity!!

It's tradition...

Woo-hoo, got a base hit!

Getting advice from Coach Blair

Mom & dad came to watch!

Pointing out where he's going to hit

How's this for an action shot!!!

Can't wait for next year's game! It was so much fun and I know Jason had a great time.

Every Victim, Every Time

Anyone who knows me knows that this past week was the Every Victim, Every Time Conference. The conference that is only 2 days, but over the course of the past week I have managed to average about 3-4 hours of sleep a night! Late nights, early mornings, and incredibly long days but all to offer quality training and education to law enforcement and those that deal with victims of crime all over the state of Texas. My week started out with working on Sunday...all day it always does. Monday we were setting everything up and then took two of our keynote speakers out to dinner. Tuesday morning was super early, I don't know that I got much sleep thinking about everything that I had to do the next day but I made it through the first day just fine. We had our first every Legacy Dinner that evening, to honor the legacy of a victim  and Polly Klaas - her father was one of our keynote speakers at the conference and he told her story that evening. The dinner was a success, we learned a lot of things to keep in mind for next year, but overall it was well received and I think will continue to be a huge success. Wednesday was the final day of the conference and it was all great. I am humbled to work with such amazing people and know that we do a great job by the outpouring of support that we get over the course of the 2-day conference.

On Monday night I was asked a very interesting question, it's something that I have never been asked and honestly have never even thought of before. At dinner, one of the speakers asked me if I have ever asked Jason if he would survive "that gunfight?" I don't think I could have ever prepared myself for that. Jason and I have never talked about anything like that, ever. I guess it's just understood, you know. I understand, especially now that he's back on nights, that it means so much more to put on that bulletproof vest every night before work. He understands how much it means too, and how much more careful he must be; not just for him or for me, but for Hudson. Do I worry each night that he's at work, oh you bet your bottom dollar I do, but I also know that it's what Jason was born to do. I knew it about him when we first met, I actually think it's part of what I was first attracted to about Jason. He's a good officer, and not just for the obvious reasons, but for the reasons that no one gets to see. Yes he knows how to shoot, and write a ticket and execute a warrant and so forth, but he's also a people person - a social butterfly if you will. He enjoys getting out and doing things in the community and letting people see the good side of an officer. He can't walk into a room and not go up and talk to everyone in the room. I am pretty sure he will run for some elected office some's just in his nature. However, I remember one time Jason talking about how everyone hates police officers but loves a fire fighter - "they're everyone's hero" he said, I simply turned to him and said "you're my hero" and I won't let him ever forget that for I had engraved inside his wedding band. You see, it takes a great man to be able to make that decision to want to put on that vest and take a bullet for a stranger. Jason is my hero, and I'm so proud that Hudson will have such an amazing man to look up to as he grows up. Jason asked me the other night what I would do if Hudson came home and said he wanted to be a cop, and I simply smiled. I smiled because if that is what Hudson so chooses to do, then I will know that he will have his father and uncle to look up to and that makes me so proud.  So to go back to the original question, "that gunfire," well, I know that my husband has the training that he needs to survive anything and that's all the answer I need! I know that Jason is doing what he loves, and God forbid that something ever did happen, I have peace of mind knowing that Jason will stand proudly and protect - just what he has been trained to do.

People ask me all the time what it's like to be married to a cop. I get the typical "do you get out of tickets all the time?" or "do you get to do whatever you want and get away with it?" The answer is no, I don't bend those rules; I guess there have been a couple of times that I might have had a lead foot and might have gotten away with it, but it's been about 3 years since that happened and I got a very stern talking to. The rest, well, that's a hard question to answer. It's so many feelings all bundled up and sometimes it's all good, but there are some hard times in there that most don't see. I grew up with it a little bit, Trey got hired on with the Sheriff's department when I was about 14-15 years old and I remember learning about all the bad things that could happen but it's what he wanted to do and we all supported him as a family. It was difficult at times, he'd come home bruised from training and I remember being terrified that something bad would happen to him but I knew he knew what he was doing and eventually I got over that fear. Being a wife is a little bit different. It's hard, hard in the sense that I have to watch Jason walk out that door each night and know that something could happen while I sleep at home, I know it's hard on him too, to have to leave me and Hudson at home each night. It's hard to find the family time in between work schedules but we make do. Sometimes the only "us" time we can get is him coming home and simply drinking a glass of tea - granted it may be at 9:00pm at night but it's still some time that we get to spend for just us.  Being an officer's wife is rewarding too; to see just how good of a job he does in everything that he does. To see him raise over $7,000 for Special Olympics, to see him get an award for his service to the community, to see a celebrity recognize him from when she was a kid (Raini Rodriguez was a Camp P.A.L. kid), to know that he won't rest until everything is done and to see all his hard work pay off and get pinned as a sergeant. I see all of this and know that he is the man that our son will look up to as he grows up and that is the most rewarding thing that I can feel as his wife. We are part of a family, a family like no other - a band of brothers (and sisters too) that has a bond that many don't get to experience. So what's it like to be married to a cop - an experience. One that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

I think Paul Harvey said it best in the following, we heard this once from a speaker at the law enforcement memorial and then again and one of the BPOA banquets (from the same speaker):
What are Cops made of?

Don't credit me with this mongrel prose; it has many parents; at least 420,000 of them: Police Officers. A police officer is a composite of what all men are, a mingling of saint and sinner, dust and deity. Culled statistics wave the fan over the stinkers, underscore instances of dishonestly and brutality because they are "news." What that really means is that they are exceptional, unusual, not commonplace. Buried under the froth is the fact: Less than one-half of 1 percent of officers misfit that uniform. That's a better average than you'd find among clergymen.

What is a officer made of? He, of all men, is at once the most needed and the most unwanted. He's a strangely nameless creature who is "sir" to his face and "pig" behind his back. He must be such a diplomat that he can settle differences between individuals so that each will think he won.


If the policeman is neat, he's conceited; if he's careless, he's a bum. If he's pleasant, he's a flirt; if he's not, he's a grouch. He must make in an instant decisions which would require months for a lawyer.


If he hurries, he's careless; if he's deliberate, he's lazy. He must be first to an accident and infallible with a diagnosis. He must be able to start breathing, stop bleeding, tie splints and, about all, be sure the victim goes home without a limp. Or expect to be sued.

The police officer must know every gun, draw on the run, and hit where it doesn't hurt. He must be able to whip two men twice his size and half his age without damaging his uniform and without being "brutal."

If you hit him, he's a coward, if he hits you, he's a bully. A police officer must know everything -- and not tell. He must know where all the sin is -- and not partake. The policeman must, from a single human hair, be able to describe the crime, the weapon and the criminal -- and tell you where the criminal is hiding.


If he catches the criminal, he's lucky; if he doesn't, he's a dunce. If he gets promoted, he has political pull; if he doesn't, he's a dullard. The policeman must chase bum leads to a dead end, stake out 10 nights to tag one witness who saw it happen -- but refuses to remember. He runs files and writes reports until his eyes ache to build a case against some felon who'll get dealed out by a shameless shamus or an "honorable" who isn't.

The police officer must be a minister, a social worker, a diplomat, a tough guy, and a gentleman.

And of course he'll have to be a genius...for he'll have to do it on a policeman's salary.

These are two of the bravest men I know, they keep bad guys off the streets, and make this world that we live in a little bit safer

This is us with Marc Klaas, he lost his daughter in the 90s and told her story at the Legacy Dinner - I must say that it was quite an honor to be in the same room with this man and hear his story and see just how strong he is after all that he has endured and how willing he is to give back and help others

I am glad this week is over, but I must say that it was by far the best conference yet! The purpose of the conference is to educate. Educate so that every victim is taken care of each and every time. I take pride in the work that our conference committee does, and even though by the end of the two days we are so tired and can barely function, I know that we look forward to planning for next year's conference.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Not too much going on these days, Jason is busy am I getting ready for a conference coming up in just a few days. However, in all the hustle and bustle, Jason and I went to a challenge course today, it was something that was planned through our church, but was done with just a bunch of couples. The challenge course is through A&M's Kinesiolgy department but is offered to anyone and everyone that wants to come out and do it. We only did a small portion of it, but I can not tell you how much fun we had. Jason and I climbed a 50 foot wall together - kinda - I climbed and he held the rope below, then he climbed and I held the rope below. It's quite an experience to go through together, you know your spouse has your back no matter what, but in that moment, when I'm just a few feet from the top and I felt like I had nothing left in me and just wanted to let go I could hear Jason from below telling me I could do it. It was a feeling like no other! We treated ourselves to ice cream afterward...we're going to need it because I have a feeling that we are going to be incredibly sore in the next few days!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ooops...New CAR!!!

I guess I did forget to mention that the hubby got me a new car!!!

I am in love this with car!!! Hubby knows how to treat (spoil) me good! We actually bought it on Monday but had to get the front bumper painted, it was gray and looked really cheap! So we picked it up last night and now it's all MINE!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Easter...a little late :)

So it's a little late but Happy Easter from my lil' monkey!

Easter Bunny cake I made :)

Took a nap before church

Uncle Trey let me play with the remote!

Uncle Trey lovin'

He let me play with his phone too!

Some yoga work after lunch

Silly daddy!

I even took some steps for everybody

Still going...

Even rolled the ankles a bit...

But kept on going!!! Everybody was so excited :)

Then we went for an Easter Egg Hunt!!

Mommy and Daddy just brought me the eggs though

Had to get the #24 egg just for daddy!!

Oh then I found rocks...

Still playing with rocks...

Saw some tanks with Grandma & Grandpa

Took a lil' nap

Had a lil' snack

Train ride with mommy & grandma

Mommy & Daddy took engagement pictures with this exact tank!!!

Than took a break for some Blue Bell

It's going to take some time to get used to...

Happy Easter from the James Gang!

Daddy wanted a picture with both his kiddos

Awww...sweet boys!

Now I realize Hudson looks terrified...and he might have been, but this was the best we could get out of him on an evening after no nap!!! 

Hope everyone had a HAPPY EASTER!