Monday, April 30, 2012

10 months old

My oh my...another month gone by! You are becoming quite the lil' man, and so much fun for us!

This is the constant expression that I get now from him

Still can't sit still!

Check out all my toofers!

I still just can't believe that my lil' boy is growing up so fast! Weighing in at a whopping 21 lbs and measuring around 28 inches're a little too squirmy for mommy and daddy to get an acurate measurement. You are a healthy eater, taking two bottles a day (mainly formula now) and then nursing twice (although I think you could really do without them because you aren't starving) and then have 3 healthy meals a day. You are on a good baby food diet, however we have begun to introduce you to the things that we eat too and you are having NO PROBLEM with chomping down on real food! Still sleeping all through the night - woohoo - and take 2-3 naps a day. You are all over the place, crawling is so last year and now walking is your thing! You can maneuver your way all over the house as long as you have something to hold on to, and just recently you are beginning to let go more and more and walk on your own - the weeble walk, but still walking none the less. With this new talent of course comes new bumps and bruises, but you're a tough cookie and you bounce right back! You have quite the personality now too, you LOVE your Uncle Trey and can pick him out in a crowd, you still want to go to mommy and daddy and have become a lil' needy here lately. You are learning how to give kisses (on the cheek - lips are gross!), we are working on waving "bye bye" but still need some work on that and you and daddy have mastered "high 5's" pretty well. You are still able to wear anything from 6-12 month clothes, granted 6 are a little too short but they still fit just fine. 9 month are perfect but we know that they won't last long and then 12 month just gives us plenty of room to grow! You are wearing size 2 or 3 in shoes, it really depends on the brand and still in size 3 diapers - hopefully for a while! You are our little man now after your haircut, you look so grown up and I still am amazed each and every day with how much you change! You are in a very fun and playful stage right now, lots of people interaction - you don't know a stranger! That will probably come back to bite us one day but for now we love that you want to go to anybody, but still want to come back to us. We hate to leave and go to work but love that when we come home you can't move fast enough to get to us to hug on us and that makes it all worth it!

HAPPY 10 MONTHS Chunky Monkey!

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