Friday, February 18, 2011

Back from the dead...

Literally, thought I was dying this past week. I came down with a severe nasal infection that hit me in a matter of 24 hours. Valentine's day was nice but I was already starting to feel a little sick and not really able to eat much, well Tuesday was a lot worse. I stayed behind closed doors in my office because I was congested, I had a "survival kit" that included Lysol spray, cough drops, hand sanitizer, Kleenex and a LARGE bottle of water but by lunch time I was going downhill fast. I needed to go home but thought I had a meeting with someone at 3:00pm so I stuck around, then had to get dinner for us at 5:00pm so I stuck it out. Went and got some good TLC from my mommy and daddy and went home. I vaguely remember Jason getting home that evening from working at his Lions Club dinner, but the next thing I remember was waking up around 2:00am with a 100.4 fever that kept climbing, body aches like no other and a bloody nose from all the drainage! It peaked at 101.4 then finally started to come back down but I was scared, and my emotions got the best of me! Of course, Jason had to go to work, so I called in sick (yea I know, shocker!) and mommy came and took me to Urgent Care, along with every other sick person in this town! About 2 1/2 hours later we got to see a doctor, only to hear that it was just a sinus infection but pretty bad. The only thing I cared to know though was if the baby was ok, I could have cared less about me, I'll deal, but is the baby going to be ok?! With a smile though, the doctor assured me that everything was ok with both me and the baby. By the time we were leaving, he was kicking around letting me know he was ok too. Mommy took me to get my medicine and back home I went to sleep. Jason got home shortly after lunch from working, he was getting sick too. We both were worthless that afternoon. It was toast and Sprite for dinner for us...

I remember waking up the next morning, fever finally breaking but I had a hacking cough and lovely stopped up nose! I ended up calling in sick again...I know, I know, two days in a plenty of rest that morning while Jason was getting tested for allergies. Jason came home early though, having a really bad reaction to the allergy testing so, again, we were both worthless the rest of the day. I was a little sad, had to cancel cooking dinner for a friend as well as a much needed prenatal massage but I was just too sick and tired for it. We did at least have an appetite by dinner time and ordered a pizza. Today I was somewhat back to myself...sounded horrible, but was feeling a little bit better, so I was back at work.'s cleaning this weekend to get the baby nursery ready! Jason has to work all weekend, yahoo!

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