Thursday, April 28, 2011

Baby James 32 weeks...only 56 more days to go!

Well, the bump is definitely growing, I think I hear it on a daily basis "you're getting so big" and no matter how many times I get told "it's ok, you're pregnant, you can get big" it still doesn't make hearing that I'm getting bigger any better and eventually start to break down the self esteem. It did help though yesterday at the doctor when she looked at me and said "wow, you're still so tiny!" She says that because of my small frame that everyone probably thinks that I am getting bigger than I actually am. I am measuring right at 32 weeks right now, she assures me that he will not come early, after all, she will be gone until the Sunday before my due date so she says he is not allowed to come before then...I'll be sure and relay the message. In measuring me yesterday, she said I don't have any more room to grow up (ladies you know what I mean) so I will grow out now, joy! I couldn't find out camera this morning so this photo is from my cell phone so please excuse the graininess!'s a growin''s crazy to think there's a baby in there!


How far along? 32 weeks

Baby's size? Well, I don't know how big he is, I know I have run out of room for him. She showed me his position and felt around and basically said he's running out of room. I hope that doesn't mean that we're having a BIG boy though...all the e-mails I get say he should be somewhere around 4-4.5 lbs and about 15-17 inches long, almost time!!!

Gender? Still a boy, although I've had some people say I'm carrying high so they think it's either a girl or I'm having twins...really, who says that to a stranger??? Anywho, it's a boy, or there's a girl with something between her legs... Hudson Alexander James, yes we decided on his full name. Hudson after our engagement in New York, yes, after the Hudson River; Alexander is a family name from Jason's family, his grandfather (maybe great-) was named Louis Byron Alexander, well Jason's dad's middle name is Louis, Jason's is Byron, and ours will be Alexander, neat huh?!

Weight Gain? I think I finally broke into the double digits...Jason's so cute, he goes "well we'll start eating healthy and going for walks" I tried to explain that it doesn't matter, he's a growing boy now and the weight is going to get packed on here at the end, he says it just needs to be healthy foods though and nothing too bad, he's so sweet.

Maternity clothes? I feel like I just need to wear sweats all day long, that would make me feel so much better!!

Stretch marks? None visible yet.

Belly button in or out? Still got an innie!!!

Sleeping? Yea, it is super hard!!!

Foods I'm loving? Still craving the heat, sweets and sno-cones, hasn't changed :)!!!

Foods I'm hating? Can't really say I'm hating anything right now

Best moment this week? I have a few: first was when he got the hiccups, it's the funniest, sweetest, weirdest but BEST feeling ever; then yesterday at the doctor, finding out how he is positioned so I know what is kicking and pushing where; and finally, yesterday I had someone tell me that I was handling my pregnancy very well, I mentioned to them my moods and the comments I get they told me to tell those people to buzz off (a little worse but can't repeat!), I'm prego! It made me smile :)

What I'm looking forward to? Finishing the nursery!

What I miss? A good night's rest

Symptoms? Exhaustion, some minor swelling, some aches and pains coming from where his head should be, can't really sit or stand for too long either...still about the same, heartburn comes and goes, makes for some restless nights sometimes.

Milestones? I can't really think of anything that is major that happened this week...I finished working on a scrapbook over the weekend for Jason's granny to see the pregnancy...that's about it though. Oh I forgot - my stroller/car seat, swing and pack n' play all came in!!! I'm super excited!!

Emotions & Moods? I try to catch myself on my moods since I'm starting to have more and more people comment on it, I don't really think I've had my feelings really hurt in the past week to send me over the edge to cry.

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