Sunday, March 11, 2012

8 months old

So we're 2 weeks late but it's Rodeo time and we are a little busy!!!

Oh my sweet baby blues, you just keep getting bigger and bigger and I don't know how to handle it! You are still a healthy 20 pounds and I'm assuming getting longer - we didn't get a chance to measure. I think I say it every month, but I just can't believe how big you are getting. You change so much each and every day and I am amazed with how much you learn by doing things. Realizing that pulling on a toy too hard will cause it to pop back up in your face and hurt, learning how to keep your balance and learning that mommy has a weaker heart than daddy when it comes to hearing your cry! You now have 5 teeth and are about to cut some more on top. You have begun to experiment in using those teeth biting everything from your crib to mommy and everything in between - and yes you have even made mommy bleed but I am determined to nurse you until you are 1 year old! You haven't met a food you don't like yet - which is really good! You are still taking 2 bottles a day, cut back to only 6ounces each bottle because you were leaving so much. We are going to probably have to start some formula soon though because mommy's supply is dwindling away. You're still a good sleeper, and even getting a little better at napping during the day! You are still in a size 3 diaper and wearing 9 month clothes. You can still fit in to some of your 6 month items and we have you wearing some 12 month jackets, but they swallow you all up! You are all over the place, we can't just leave you on the floor to play, you crawl all over and follow us to each room. I put you in your pack-n-play and you are ok for a while, but eventually you realize you are in jail and want out. We are thinking we are going to have to put up the swing soon, unfortunately you are a little too chunky for it and it strains to rock you :( You have been pulling yourself up for quite some time now but you are walking yourself around your crib and while holding onto things, then you recently begun experimenting with letting them go. You can balance yourself for about 3-4 seconds then plop down, but you get right back up and try again! It won't be long now and you're going to be walking. We are waiting until we can get your Nana and Poppy back to town so we can cut that mop of a head of hair! It's completely out of control but we're going to have to wait a little while. You are very clingy to the familiar faces in your life, you cry when we leave the room. It breaks my heart but makes me smile at the same time. I love that you want us to be around you, but hate it when I have to go to work. I love seeing your face light up when daddy comes in the room, it just melts my heart to see how you look up to him so much already! Daddy is now on a night shift, so our family time is often limited to visits for dinner at 8:00pm each nigth he's working and a quick kiss good-bye in the morning as he's coming home. Hopefully this won't be for too long, mommy doesn't like this schedule at all!

I can't believe again, another month has gone by. You are a little man now, you are exploring so much each and every day and I enjoy watching you grow. I know I'll probably eat these words, but I can't wait until you are running around the house!!! We'll be planning a birthday party soon! Woo-hoo!


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