Thursday, June 23, 2011

40 weeks...YAY!!!

The time has finally come! Technically my due date is tomorrow but all these crazy calendars say it's today...but hopefully we will have a baby soon! I really can't believe that the time has already passed by so quickly. I can remember October 12th and then October 15th, taking those two pregnancy tests; November 19th, hearing the heartbeat for the first time; then February 2nd, finding out we were having a precious baby boy; and now here we are, June 23rd, and we are just waiting on him to make his arrival. I told my mom the other day, as a little girl you always dream of growing up and having the princess wedding and then becoming a mom, I can't believe that all my dreams are coming true. I got my princess wedding to my hero, best friend and prince charming (yes you are all those things sweetie!), now I'm becoming a mother. It's truly a humbling experience to know that all these dreams of mine are coming true.

I am sooooooo super excited!


How far along? 40 weeks - stick a fork in me, I'M DONE!

Baby's size? Well, we will find out today, going to the doctor this afternoon!!! (Hoping and praying for an "average-sized" baby!)

Gender? Better still be my lil' man!!!

Weight gain? Too much to even count anymore, but it's always been a healthy weight gain

Maternity clothes? I have my one or two favorite things to wear

Stretch marks? They are everywhere!!! If you look closely in the photo above you can see some of them

Belly button in or out? Still barely in, depending on where he's sitting

Sleeping? Oh that sweet sweet thing I used to know so well...

Foods I'm loving? Oh I am a bottomless pit these days, I don't eat much at every meal but I eat all day and night at times!!!

Foods I'm hating? Doesn't really happen

Best moment this week? I finally finished baby's nursery letters, now just need to hang them!

What I'm looking forward to? Having some time off, I know it will be consumed with baby stuff but just to be able to not have to get up and get ready for work will be a nice change of pace for me

What I miss? Normalcy

Symptoms? Still about the same, very moody and irritable, sensitive to just about anything someone says, HATE being touched right now because I just feel so large - period, HATE being asked "what are you still doing at work?" or "how are you feeling today?" - I feel PREGNANT!, not able to eat much at every meal - I usually stuff myself to a point that I'm miserable, sleeping is incredibly difficult, everything aches really bad, swelling is getting really bad, hands are going numb randomly while I'm trying to do things...did I mention moody and irritable?! :)

Milestones? Got the kitchen re-arranged and baby items are all washed and in place

Emotions & Moods? Really bad right now, see above "Symptoms"

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