Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby James January 2011

We went to the doctor today, baby is doing just fine. We didn't get to see any pictures of the baby but did hear the heartbeat and it sounds very good. We were supposed to find out the sex of the baby on January 24th but were a little skeptical about whether it would be too soon or not so we moved it to February 2nd (so happy birthday Bubba, it will be an early birthday present for you!) She asked if I was feeling anything yet, for the most part no, just a lot of cramping and stretching and I have to be careful in the ways that I move. Some things are really uncomfortable so I have to take things really slow. You never really realize just how much changes, simple things like standing up or sitting down, getting in and out of bed (so the couch is much more comfortable for me these days), getting dressed in the morning...all those things change when you have a little bump in the way or your body is stretching and cramping every time you move. I feel amazing now though. Finally getting my energy back although I still hit the wall about 7:30pm or 8:00pm and it's time for bed, finally wanting to do things again, cooking again (I'm sure hubby is happy) and just all around enjoying everything. It is certainly life changing but it's all totally worth it!! I did gain my first 3 lbs, I am somewhere between 17 and 18 weeks and I finally gained some weight, I guess it's all the milk and fried foods I have been taking in lately! I think my hormones have some-what calmed down. I was asked to join a prayer group at church at the beginning of the year (it couldn't have come at a more needed time) and I think that it has really helped me calm some of my nerves. I try to not pop off at people like I was, it's getting easier to bite my tongue at remarks that really hurt my feelings. The "advice" that is coming my way is not so annoying anymore. I still feel like everyone is saying how everything is supposed to be done (their way) rather than offering some advice or good tips to keep in mind, but it doesn't bother me as much as it did a few weeks ago. I do get bothered at constantly being asked "how are you" but hubby says to get over it. I still like to have my cries over random things every now and then (but in private), I am actually finding that it's good for the long as only I see it! Other than that everything going great, Jason has actually been very helpful around the house! Just dishes and cleaning around the house...he's is banned from laundry! Amazing, it took me having a baby to get some help around the house, but I am certainly appreciative of all that he has done over the past month.

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