Sunday, January 30, 2011


Ok, so under normal circumstances I absolutely LOVE shopping!!! Well, pregnancy clothes shopping is awesome, everything stretches and it magically fits no matter what!!! It's awesome. Baby furniture is another thing. Jason and I have been looking online for a while now, trying to get some idea of what we may be interested in. We know we want the convertible bed so it can grow, everyone tells us they don't use it but our plan right now is to use it to it's full capacity. The next thing is the pieces that go with it, we want to have a matching set. Well, the set that I really wanted is waaaaaay pricey, but we are finding others that are just as nice and much more affordable. We are having a problem though with the measurements, we just don't know how to get a good idea of how big things are unless we actually see them. So, off to Houston we go because everyone tells us that we can go and look at everything set up at places there. Well, we spent the entire day there, going from place to place, but in the end I think we have a good idea of how things are measured and an idea of what we might want. We took a look at strollers and car seats, those are going to be a hassle. Then we couldn't help but gaze at all the clothing...everything is just so tiny but oh so cute. We went to a really nice lunch, Jason had a steak that was oh so perfectly cooked and I had to just watch him eat mouth was watering, I was possibly drooling...

 We went to the Bass Pro Shop, Jason's favorite and then took a walk in the mall...and then it happened...COACH was having a sale and that was all she wrote! After a little more walking around I was done, I needed to get off my feet because they were hurting by then. We came back home and had a nice relaxing dinner of Wings with Jason's cousin. Only a few more days until we know pink or blue!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things learned while pregnant

So it's been a while since I made a list of "things learned" and I thought I'd share some wisdom I've picked up during pregnancy:

- No matter how uncomfortable it is, everyone is going to touch your belly so you better get used to it...

- God gives you 9 months to learn some self control...and patience!

- A good night's rest no longer exists

- The funniest laugh I get is when people ask what it is and my response is (with some surprise in my voice) "It's a baby!"

- It took me having "his child" in order to get some help around the house!!!

- Shopping for baby furniture and accessories is very stressful

- The things your body will do now just because of "hormones" amazes me every day

- Everyone wants to do everything for you now that you are pregnant

- The way your feet can swell up within an hour of walking is shocking!

- I should not be this incapable of doing everyday things!

- The baby really does suck your memory cells...I promise!

- Why can't I put my socks on normal anymore?

- The harder you try to suck in your belly, the more the baby lets you know that you aren't supposed to be doing that!

- I must use the restroom before I go to bed, otherwise I am making a mad dash at 2am!

- Hearing 150bpm is the most soothing sound and can make any bad day better!

- The aches and pains are totally worth it when I see our baby moving in those ultrasound photos!

- Why can't I stop eating again? Oh that's right...

- I've got some of the most amazing friends a girl could ask for to experience this with!

- I fall in love with my husband all over again every time he kisses my belly

That's it for now...I'm sure that as the weeks go on that more things will begin to happen. We go in to find out next week what we are having, these days just can't go by fast enough!!! And what were we thinking scheduling the appointment at 3:15pm??? These things should be scheduled for 8:00am! The doctor's office should know that!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

An observation

So last week the doctor said I should stay away from a lot of fried foods. You know, I hadn't really thought about all the fried foods I ate until it was brought to my attention...I was eating at least one fried meal a day! It's a shocker I haven't put on more weight than I have! So I decided to really start watching what I eat. I am kinda picky...not nearly as picky as hubby, but I do have certain things that just don't appeal to my taste palette, never have and probably never will. I am noticing it's hard work to eat healthy! I see why we have an obesity problem!!! Shopping every weekend is tough, and to make sure that you get everything, making lists so you don't forget, trying to plan for the week with both mine and Jason's schedule...the weekends are usually my down time! I am getting better though, the lists thing really does help...who knew?! Taking in lots and lots of fruits and veggies lately, and milk...oh how I love me some milk, and blueberry waffles!!! I do have to watch it though and not take in too much but boy do I love it! I do need to watch the fried foods though, cuz come crawfish season...IT'S ON! I know they aren't fried but loaded with sodium!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby James January 2011

We went to the doctor today, baby is doing just fine. We didn't get to see any pictures of the baby but did hear the heartbeat and it sounds very good. We were supposed to find out the sex of the baby on January 24th but were a little skeptical about whether it would be too soon or not so we moved it to February 2nd (so happy birthday Bubba, it will be an early birthday present for you!) She asked if I was feeling anything yet, for the most part no, just a lot of cramping and stretching and I have to be careful in the ways that I move. Some things are really uncomfortable so I have to take things really slow. You never really realize just how much changes, simple things like standing up or sitting down, getting in and out of bed (so the couch is much more comfortable for me these days), getting dressed in the morning...all those things change when you have a little bump in the way or your body is stretching and cramping every time you move. I feel amazing now though. Finally getting my energy back although I still hit the wall about 7:30pm or 8:00pm and it's time for bed, finally wanting to do things again, cooking again (I'm sure hubby is happy) and just all around enjoying everything. It is certainly life changing but it's all totally worth it!! I did gain my first 3 lbs, I am somewhere between 17 and 18 weeks and I finally gained some weight, I guess it's all the milk and fried foods I have been taking in lately! I think my hormones have some-what calmed down. I was asked to join a prayer group at church at the beginning of the year (it couldn't have come at a more needed time) and I think that it has really helped me calm some of my nerves. I try to not pop off at people like I was, it's getting easier to bite my tongue at remarks that really hurt my feelings. The "advice" that is coming my way is not so annoying anymore. I still feel like everyone is saying how everything is supposed to be done (their way) rather than offering some advice or good tips to keep in mind, but it doesn't bother me as much as it did a few weeks ago. I do get bothered at constantly being asked "how are you" but hubby says to get over it. I still like to have my cries over random things every now and then (but in private), I am actually finding that it's good for the long as only I see it! Other than that everything going great, Jason has actually been very helpful around the house! Just dishes and cleaning around the house...he's is banned from laundry! Amazing, it took me having a baby to get some help around the house, but I am certainly appreciative of all that he has done over the past month.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Well, Happy New Year from the (growing) James Family! Jason and I didn't do anything last night! We went to dinner with my parents but other than that it was an early night for us! We were asked to go to some friend's house but we just didn't have the energy to stay out late. We didn't even stay up to ring in the new year together. I remember waking up around midnight to the sound of fireworks in our neighborhood but quickly fell back asleep! Jason and I went to breakfast, but not too much excitement for the day for the two of us. We watched lots and lots of football!!!'s all that my sweet hubby cared to watch! We went and had a late lunch at my parents, equipped with yucky black-eyed peas, but I ate my traditional 3...someone tried to sneak some more on my plate but got them quickly back on his plate! It's amazing to think that it's been a year since I began this blog...and I've actually kept up with it pretty times I get behind but I quickly catch up! 2009 was an amazing year for Jason and I with our wedding, 2010 was even better to celebrate one year of wedded bliss together, now 2011 will be filled with lots of memories as we welcome our first child.

I hope 2011 blesses each and every one of your lives as I know it will certain be a memorable year for the two of us!

Happy New Year!