Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh my baby is growing up!!!

My sweet baby boy is growing up! What am I going to do?!?!

He's still too tiny to be holding a bottle on his own!!! This was Wednesday at home with daddy...then...

Thursday with grandma he was still holding it!

Seriously...rolling over?!?!

And I love when my uncle Trey comes to have lunch with me!

He did roll over for us at about 2 weeks but it was a pure accident I I'm glad I at least got to see it, but seeing videos like this makes it hard to be back at work. What am I going to do once he starts crawling...and walking!!! Ahhhhh!

1 comment:

  1. He's too cute and you're right... too big for his britches! I think Emmy was at least 10 months old before she agreed to hold her bottle. Now, she was able to, but also knew that we would just do it for her. :)
