Friday, September 30, 2011

My first "born" injured :(

Wednesday night Shiner, my Yorkie that my parents repossessed when I got married, got a little too big for his britches and went head to head with this beauty:

That's 37 inches of pure EVIL! 


Shiner was rushed to his vet and then from there had to be taken to A&M's Vet School because he was in such bad shape. He spent Wednesday night there and now is back home and doing better each day but he learned a hard lesson. He is a little scared to go outside by himself, however I don't blame him because frankly, I think I'm even afraid to go outside by myself.

Oh my baby is growing up!!!

My sweet baby boy is growing up! What am I going to do?!?!

He's still too tiny to be holding a bottle on his own!!! This was Wednesday at home with daddy...then...

Thursday with grandma he was still holding it!

Seriously...rolling over?!?!

And I love when my uncle Trey comes to have lunch with me!

He did roll over for us at about 2 weeks but it was a pure accident I I'm glad I at least got to see it, but seeing videos like this makes it hard to be back at work. What am I going to do once he starts crawling...and walking!!! Ahhhhh!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We're 3 months old!!

Oh my goodness, my chunky monkey is 3 months old!!! So much fun and so exciting to experience each and every day with this precious lil' man in our lives now.

Well, sweet boy, in the last month you have grown a little bit, weighing in at a healthy 13 pounds 8 ounces and measuring 24 inches long. Oh you are so much fun! You are still nursing, and judging by your weight gain, you are doing it very well! You take a bottle a couple of times a day while at grandma's or with daddy, taking 5 oz. each time. You are sleeping ALL through the night now for good! You usually go to sleep around 7:30pm and we wake you back up at 9:00pm to feed you one last time before bed. You go right to sleep now as soon as we swaddle you up and put you in bed. You sleep until anywhere between 5:30am and 6:30am each morning, most times the 6:30am is only because I make you wake up! You usually go back to sleep and sleep until it's time for your 9:00am feeding. We still swaddle you to get you to go to sleep but most times you "break free" by morning. You're not a huge fan of being covered up anyway, you always kick covers off, even if we tuck them under you. The only way to get  you covered up is by swaddling you. You are such a happy boy! You laugh and smile so much more now, you're "talking" a lot more these days too, you are able to entertain yourself for the most part as long as you can see someone in the room. We have a playmat for you and you like to lay on it and kick all the toys, you still sit in your bouncer and kick and have fun as well as your swing, you LOVE your swing now and will take naps in it now!!! You are exploring a lot more these days, focusing on objects and staring at them (still infatuated with fans!), grabbing objects that are placed near or in your hands and wanting to put everything in your mouth! We thought you might be teething but you're not, but you grab everything and put it in your mouth, and have fits with your fingers and fists while sucking on them. You aren't too fond of the pacifier which is fine by me! You aren't a big fan of "tummy time" but grandma makes you do some each day. You love to grab everyone's fingers and pull yourself up then stand up. You kick your little legs like crazy, we always tell you to "ride your bike" and you just laugh at us. You are actually starting to laugh out loud now, it melts mommy and daddy's hearts how infectuous it is! We have to watch you very carefully now when we have you on the couch or our bed, you can almost roll yourself over but you can scoot yourself with your feet. Grandpa says if you just can learn to tuck your arm under then you are going to be rolling over in no time. Right now you like to arch your back when we have you in our arms, makes for very difficult burping. When we try to have you sitting in our laps you arch your back and stiffen up. You did this in your Bumbo the other day too, scared mommy half to death! You thoroughly enjoy your bath time, I think you tinkle all over yourself just so you can get baths! Yes, you do that on a regular basis!! You are wearing all 3 month clothes, some 3-6 month items, some newborn bottoms cuz you're so small and size 1 diapers. We might have to go to size 2 diapers soon though, not cuz you're big enough but because you can sure fill up a diaper! We have to wash quite often because your poop sure does stain! You have just about outgrown all your shoes we had for you, your little feet are getting long - not to mention those gorillo toes of yours! You still have a full head of hair, except for the small bald spot on the back of your head now...but your hair is so long that it almost covers it up!! You change each and every day, I love it! Being your mommy and daddy is the hardest, yet most rewarding job that we have ever had! We love you so much and look forward to the next month as you continue to grow!

HAPPY 3 MONTHS my Chunky Monkey!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Busy, busy weekend!

I go to my parents' house for lunch to nurse Hudson and get some loving to get me through the rest of the day, he's growing up so fast...I wish I could just freeze-frame time!

Oh doen't he just melt your heart! 

On Saturday, Jason and I treated ourselves to a little Aggie football tailgating while grandma and grandpa Oldham and uncle Trey got some loving. We went to hang out with some friends before the A&M vs. OSU game and had a lot of fun!

Me and Jason in the hospitality tent...Roadhouse was awesome!!

But this was the cutie that was waiting at home for us! He didn't like how badly the Aggies played so he's turning his nose up!

Sunday, Jason and I had tickets for LobsterFest. It's an event hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. Well, Jason actually WON the tickets so that was nice! We had a lot of fun, bid on some items that we absolutely don't need and even won a flag to be flown over the nation's capitol on the date of our choice!


It was a fun-filled weekend...but I'm glad to be back home with little man and back to reality tomorrow at work! JOY!! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

No pictures!

Hudson's so cute some mornings...

"No pictures this morning mommy, I'm just too tired!"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cute article I read today

I read this article on today and it really made me laugh, this is a list of things that change once you have a baby, some are from the site and some are from readers:

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.

2. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.

3. You respect your body ... finally.

4. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.

5. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.

6. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.

7. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.

8. Your heart breaks much more easily.

9. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.

10. Every day is a surprise.

11. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)

12. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.

13. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

14. You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth.

15. You now know where the sun comes from.

16. You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have.

17. You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night.

18. Silence? What's that?

19. You discover an inner strength you never thought you had.

20. You no longer rely on a clock — your baby now sets your schedule.

21. You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late.

22. You learn that taking a shower is a luxury.

23. You realize that you can love a complete stranger.

24. If you didn’t believe in love at first sight. you do now!

25. You just plain love life more - everything comes together and becomes better because of one tiny person and your love for them.

26. You finally find out the real reason you have those breasts.

27. The support you get from other people surprises you, because the people giving it are not always the ones you'd expect.

28.  You can have the most wonderful conversation using only vowel sounds like "ahhh" and "oooo."

29. No matter what you've accomplished in life, you look at your child and think, "I've done a GREAT job!"

30. You want to take better care of yourself for your child.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pumpkins and smiles

I love this time of the year, the weather will start to cool down (start...), all the trees will start to change colors (if they are dead), pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, all the pretty fall decor in the stores, but the BEST part of this time of year is Mellowcreme Pumpkins! Yes, they are just a big ball of sugar but oh I could make myself sick on them! I bought me a bag yesterday at the store, Jason better not touch them! Seems like everything that I bring home these days that he rolls his eyes about he usually ends up liking and eating it all!

I got a value size bag just in case...but I don't see this bag lasting very long
Oh I just love coming home to this sweet boy's face!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


My lil' Aggie, Class of 2033 was all decked out for the Aggie game, too bad daddy had to work it and we weren't allowed to purchase it on Pay Per View :(

Sittin' like a big boy in daddy's chair
We still had fun watching TV
We played a little bit but he was not that into it :/
So then we had a's hard work being this cute! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Working with mommy

Daddy has been in training all week and today I got to go to work with mommy for a bit, but I got bored and took a nap!

You can see both dimples he got from his daddy! The one in his right cheek and the most noticable one in his chin.

It's a rough life...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh I'm just too cute!

Hanging out at grandma's, I wish I could find this is Jason's size! :)
I'm growing up so much, I'm too long to fit in a picture!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hudson's first 9/11

You know, a lot of things change once you throw a kid in the mix. Like going and running errands, you have to pack the diaper bag with everything under the sun and the stroller that is oh-so-bulky, you spend more time getting everything ready and loaded/unloaded than it actually takes for the errands. Or trying to cook dinner, you have to make sure that he/she is content enough to entertain themselves for about an hour or so, then try to rush and get dinner done in said hour, then allow husband to eat while you console now screaming child then you finally get to eat just in time to change and nurse again.

My outlook on life forever changed after September 11, 2001. I was only a freshman at Texas A&M University and just beginning to understand "life" in general but everything changed after that grave Tuesday morning. I saw a world unite, strangers helping strangers, people thankful for our firefighters and police officers, everyone coming together for a greater cause. As I put Hudson to bed tonight I can't help but feel anger and sorrow that he has to grow up in a world filled with such hate - terrorism - but thankful for men (and women) like Jason and Trey that will show him that there are heroes out there that are willing to put their life on the line each and every day so that he and his peers may be safe. People like Jack (Jason's dad) and Bob (my dad) who fought in Vietnam that will remind him that there are people out there that will put their families aside and go and fight for this nations' FREEDOM. I am so proud for each of these men in our lives, and that Hudson will grow up with such amazing role models in his life.

Everything on TV today was about 9/11/01, it's a lot to take in especially when you don't have a good handle on your hormones and emotions just yet. On Friday, one our local radio stations was giving away free flags, we didn't get one but I continued to listen to the station and a soldier went there and left his flag patch that was on his shoulder why he was deployed, he said something that really disturbed me, that too many people have forgotten, that we only remember one day a year. I couldn't agree with him more. There are soldiers out there that spend months and even years away from thier families; there are law enforcement officers and fire fighters that put their life on the line each and every day here locally, all putting the life and liberty of others above their own. I remember when 9/11 first happened, everyone loved the military, the law enforcement and fire fighters but now that has tapered off. Sure everyone loves the fire fighters still - they run into burning buildings while everyone else is running out; and everyone is passionate about the military - they are fighting for our freedom each and every day; and people appreciate the police - but only when they aren't giving you a ticket. What happened to thanking those individuals though like we used to? They aren't just doing these things once a year, so why memorialize those lost only once a year?

Being married to a police officer, I hear a lot of complaints first-hand. It's sad, Jason will pull people over and give every excuse under the sun to try to get out of that ticket; like one guy...Jason clocked him doing about 60mph in a 30mph zone, he was late for his kid's birthday party - well do you want to make it to the next one? Then I suggest you slow down! Now I'll be the first to admit that I have had a little bit of a lead foot growing up, but it's amazing how quickly my driving habits changed with Hudson here now. I don't know that I have ever driven the way I do now, not even when I was first driving at 16. Sad, but true. I guess as a wife and sister of law enforcement officers, I don't see them praised enough for all the good they do, instead everyone wants to "hate" them for enforcing the law, the laws that we are supposed to abide by - but one day a year, everyone puts all that aside and thanks them for a job well done. It scares me to see my loved ones going out there each and every day, in harm's way, but never once giving it a second thought. They chose that line of work becuase they wanted to help others and that's just what they do, each and every day!

I hate that my son has to grow up in a world filled with such hatred and that he will have to learn some day to the full extent of what today actually represents, but at the same time I couldn't be more proud to raise him with people like Jason and Trey, and Jack and Bob and all that they represent as well. So today I say God Bless the U.S.A., but Thank You to our law enforcement officers, fire fighters and all first responders for the job they do each and every day and may God bless them for wearing the badge and going towards the danger to keep others safe. Please remember to thank these individuals each and every day you see them, even if you are getting a ticket - thank them for reminding you to slow down and smell the roses every now and then!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Family photos

Now that the secret is out, Jason and I got some photos of Hudson done last weekend, he was a little cranky...I think because of his shots the day before...but we pushed through 6 hours of fighting with him to finally get some good shots. We are waiting to get them all back but our photographer sent us some sneak peeks this past week. I just fall in love more and more with each passing day, God has truly blessed us with a sweet lil' angel.

Here's a family photo, for some reason I could not stop laughing so hard for these shots...just these, all the others came out just fine but something was just too funny here...maybe because I think Hudson had just pooped all over me! :)


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sweet friend

Pregnancy can certainly bring lots of things into your life, but mine brought a sweet high school friend back into my life. She and I are about 3 months apart in pregnancies and I don't even remember the exact moment we reconnected, but something along the way brought us back together for some much needed vents and laughs. It seemed like no matter what was going on, she and I could always find something to laugh about in common or something to vent about in common. I think she was really my saving grace, showed me that I wasn't the only crazy woman out there, but also brought smiles just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. She had told me she was getting something made for Hudson's nursery, I went and got it today and it's so neat! Jason likes how the Bible verse is from the book of James, so it's like it reads "Hudson James." So thank you Jenny, I can't wait to hang it up!!