I went to a friend's house to watch the Cowboys game over the weekend, Jason was working and I didn't feel like dealing with trick-or-treaters at the house but I was only able to handle about 2 hours before the sickness hit and there were just too many smells going on and my body said "get the heck out of this place!" I really hope the sickness passes soon! The whole 'morning sickness' thing is totally a myth! There is no set time that it hits, it is there from sun up to sun down! Lying down is the worse for me! I haven't really gotten 'sick' that many times, here or there something happens that triggers but for the most part it is just a constant feeling of nausea that won't go away. Crackers and Sprite/Ginger Ale are my bff right now! And Jason, bless his sweet lil' heart, "it's like a hangover honey, just go throw up and you'll feel better." You know the saying "walk a mile in my shoes" well I would love for him to walk an hour in my shoes right now and feel this feeling!
"The end result is worth it, the end result is worth it, THE END RESULT IS WORTH IT!" - Right Katie?
the end result is TOTALLY worth it! :D