Monday, January 28, 2013

Two peas in a pod

We went to go and visit some friends at their new house, it's out in the county and they have plenty of things that lil' boys can get into!! many boys does it take to figure this thing out?!?!

"Gosh dads...we got this!"

And they're off...

We totally got this...

I hope he never gets too old for precious moments like this!!

Just love this sweet lil' boy so much!

So innocent looking...

Our first fishing experience.

He said "I'll just sit this one out, you take care of it daddy!"

"Ok, one last time I'll touch the fish but I'm totally taking a bath when I get home!"

We love going and playing with Clayton and the Van Nest family! Making memories with our lil' man.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Already getting the cops called...

He's only 18 months old and my lil' man has already had the cops called on him. Thankfully it was daddy's team working and thankfully there wasn't any real threat...except for a rude neighbor!

So the funny story that goes with it...I'm sitting in a Jr. League meeting, pretty important for me and an event I have in less than a month and my phone is just going off over and over again. I finally decide to check to see what is soooo important and my dear sweet husband is informing me that one if his officers had just had a noise complaint for an unruly child...our child! See, since the hubs had to work I left Hudson with his Uncle Trey for the evening, which is not uncommon. He LOVES to run around and chase Max, the playful pocket beagle that Uncle Trey has. Well, apparently the downstairs neighbor didn't like this, called the police and said that it was disturbing his family and children. It was about 7:00pm in the evening...come on! He's lucky my meeting went so late, otherwise I might have had to go and say a few choice words to said neighbor! Needless to say, the officers never heard any noise from our sweet lil' angel and left the premises after telling the downstairs neighbor to move if they didn't like the noise! Haha...take that!

He's lucky he's so dang cute...

The perpetrators proud of their deed!

Hugging Uncle Tay-Tay letting him know it's all ok and those mean ole neighbors won't bother them anymore!

I guess we have a funny story to laugh about one day..."remember that time when you were 18 months old and you got the cops called on you?!" Oh what fun we have in store for us!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baby fever!!!

I guess I'm getting old and I just really hate to admit it! My sweet lil' sorority family is growing up and married and now everyone has babies! Hilary, my lil' sis, was the last one to get married so we were soooo ecstatic when she announced that she was pregnant! I was all too excited to get started on her baby shower!!! We made the trip to Houston for this fun shower for her sweet baby Lane Ryder!! I can't wait until he's here!!

How spoiled is this lil' cowboy going to be?!

The hostesses

The girls

My sweet lil' sis is growing up...she's going to be a great mother!!

Gosh I don't like this growing old thing...I refuse to do it anymore, I'm going to stop right now!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Yea we did it...TUBES...

Poor little man had 7 ear infections in one year so according to the ENT, he was a perfect candidate for tubes. They explained how sometimes they will ask parents to wait it out, that sometimes if kids can get to age 2 that they can outgrow the need for tubes but since we were just coming up on the start of the cold and flu season, it might be best if we go ahead and get them. See, there's a misconception with tubes. I always thought that they prevented the infections, well that's wrong! Seeing as how I am writing this in March, I can tell you that Hudson has had 3 infections since he got the tubes put in. Now, they have not been nearly as bad as they were before, and usually just have to put some drops in his ears for a few days and it dries up no problem but boy do I feel bad for my lil' man. He has to take Benadryl and Zyrtec every day to try to combat the allergies that start all of his sicknesses. So yea, we were the parents that shot photos all morning of him, even as he's coming out of the anesthesia (all while trying not to laugh because it was just so dang cute).

Arriving at the doctor's office

Begging me one last time to please not let them take him

Waving to the nurses

Trying his best to scare the doctors and nurses away

Giving daddy kisses before they took him

And 10 minutes later here we were...

Starting to come to

Crying so hard but he can't open his eyes yet

And this is how we spent a majority of our morning

Or here...

But by mid-afternoon, we were here...

And feeling much better!

I'm glad we got the tubes, the infections aren't gone, but they are much more manageable now that we don't have to run to the doctor's office with each one!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!!

So here we are again, another new year. Jason worked this year which was not so cool but thankfully grandma and grandpa agreed to keep little man so I could go and watch movies at my dear friend's house just down the street. And the hubby might have stopped by a time or two throughout the evening so I still got one last kiss before midnight and then got my 2013 kiss about 30 minutes later...

It's crazy to think that it's been 3 years since I began blogging. Am I an expert, by no means am I that! I don't keep up with the blog like I used to, but hey, I have a much cuter priority in my life and he keeps me on my toes! I do try though my very best to get it up to date when I have days that I can just blog, all day long, and of course back date everything :) (please don't judge!).

So what's changed in 3 years. Well, everything. We've celebrated a happy marriage, 3 times; we've celebrated a promotion; we've celebrated the miracle of life; we've mourned a friend; we've supported friends...needless to say, it's been a crazy, busy, excited, rough few years but I look forward to what this year will bring for us.

I know, sounds crazy, but I really look forward to what 2013 will bring for us.

So Happy New Year friends! I hope your year is filled with love and joy!