Monday, May 28, 2012

11 months old

It's hard to believe that it has almost been a year since we were blessed with such a cutie!

My sweet lil' man, you are growing up (slowly) just perfectly. You've gained a little bit of weight, now weighing 21.4 lbs and measuring 28 1/2 inches long. You are still wearing some 9 month clothes, but mainly 12 month and a couple of 18 month but the 12 & 18 month are still a little big. You really only wear one pair of shoes and they are a size 2, you really have mastered walking so we let you go around barefoot and only put shoes on to go out. You are still a very healthy eater, 3 good meals a day and 3 bottles a day. You are officially done with nursing...sad...but it is kinda nice to just fix a bottle, give it to you and then I can still go and finish things around the house. Expensive...but convenient now. You are starting to eat things that mommy and daddy are eating, you haven't gotten ahold of anything you don't like yet. You are usually a good napper, taking two per day and sometimes an evening nap depending on how tired you are. You are still fitting comfortably in size 3 diapers and I think you will be there for a while. Walking...oh the walking! You are everywhere, following mommy and daddy everywhere we go with no fear. You are falling as you are still learning your balance, so lots of bruised knees right now but you bounce right back and just keep on going. You have quite the personality right now, learning to talk and using your voice so much. Grandma taught you how to clap and we are still trying to get "bye-bye" down. You have recently learned how to stand on things in your pack-and-play to make yourself we're going to have to really watch that. Mommy and daddy are starting to really venture out with you and take you everywhere we go, you have so much fun and everyone usually loves to see you.

I don't know that I am quite ready for you to be 1 year old, but look forward to what is yet to come. You are quite the charmer, your beautiful blue eyes are catching everyone's attention and then you really capture everyone's hearts with your adorable smile!

HAPPY 11 MONTHS our sweet lil' monkey, mommy and daddy are truly blessed to be your parents!

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