Sunday, July 28, 2013

Well, this sure changes things up...

Jason and I had talked about this year being the year we tried for a second baby. Well, things are about to get really hectic for us because we are pregnant. We knew at Hudson's birthday party but hadn't told anyone yet. We have told the family now and my belly just instantly popped out so everyone is starting to figure it out now. We had a shirt made for Hudson saying "Only Child Club - Membership expires March 2014" but would you believe that we didn't get a single photo oh him telling either side of the family and the shirt!! We took my parents to dinner and after Hudson ate we went and changed him and brought him back to the table. We had to tell my parents to read the shirt, then we called Uncle Tay-Tay over so he could see the shirt too. A couple of weeks later we went to Bridge City and put Hudson in the shirt and just let him run around and play until someone noticed. We wondered how long it was going to was pretty sister-in-law was on the phone when she noticed it and she screamed. We decided to FaceTime Nana and Poppy since they were camping.

We are excited and scared; excited for this new adventure but it's foreign territory we are going into and we are scared at the unknown. Baby James #2 will make his or her arrival in March of 2014. We are going to try for a natural birth this go around, my doctor doesn't think that anything should keep me from doing that so fingers crossed everything goes good this time!

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