Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hubby is back on a night shift :(

So we knew the day would eventually come...we hoped it would be much much later and when Hudson was a little it older but the day has finally come and Jason is back on a night shift. Away from home, leaving me all alone with a 7 month old...I guess in his defense he did at least take some precautions in making sure we were safe...

This was waiting for me on my night stand...

I think it goes without saying that I'm not very happy about this move - apparently Jason has warned all his coworkers that it's just best to not even ask me because you just can't ever tell what's going to fly out of my mouth. So I'll keep my mouth shut...but I know some day the wrong person is going to ask the wrong question and it's all going to come flying out...

So as I sit here alone on my first night with him out there I wonder how long it will take me to fall asleep. Nights are a lot more intense as a patrol officer; that's when all the crazies are out. Jason always enjoyed the work of nights a lot more, but it raises a lot of concerns in my book. I stare at the monitor and watch Hudson sleep and wonder how many restless nights will I have? How long will it take me to get over this move - or how long will it last? Okay, I'll get off my soapbox and go to bed...just had to vent a bit...goodnight sweet readers!

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