Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hand, foot, mouth disease

My lil' munchkin wasn't feeling well this week. The weekend seemed to be great, but by Monday evening this was what I was nursing at home.

Of course he always manages to get sick when Jason is working! I had called the doctor earlier that day and had his well check moved up from Friday to Tuesday, but Monday night was pretty rough...the only way I could really get him to sleep was in my arms like so, so we spent most of the night on the recliner in the living room.

We were worried it might be ears, since Hudson has had his fair share of ear infections, but Tuesday Dr. Ransom said his ears were fine. However, his throat was raw, which explained why he had suddenly lost his appetite over the past 24 hours. Tuesday night was a little rough, not nearly as bad as the night before, but still hard. By Wednesday morning, I knew it wasn't just a sore throat...I saw a small blister on his foot, but when I got him out in the light I saw there were more and there were some on his hands too. I called the doctor's office back again and informed them of my diagnosis and they let me know there was nothing that could be done for this! Just give him Ibuprofen to help with the fever and pain but other than that there's nothing that can be done, it just has to run it's course. The up side to this all, it's like chicken pox and once he gets it, he should build up an immunity to it and not ever get it again!!

We had planned on starting daycare come Monday but they aren't going to take him with all these sores...looks like we'll just have to wait...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Aggie tailgating experience

So we took Hudson to his first Aggie tailgaiting experience. I think he enjoyed was a little hot but we made do!

Beautiful baby blues!!

Getting our face painted

He thoroughly enjoyed himself...and then we went to Wings 'n More afterward for him to eat his first "big boy" meal. He went to bed a little early this night, which was good for mommy and daddy!

I'm a big boy!!

My sweet lil' baby is growing up and is now in a forward facing car seat...where has the last 15 months gone?!?!

He's loving this, now he can watch his Mickey Mouse

Proving he's still just as flexible as ever though!

Sweet lil' angel

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Brazos County Fair & Expo

So...a short hiatus but hopefully back for good!! This year marked the first ever Brazos County Fair & Expo. We took Hudson to it on the last day, a little hot but we still had fun and I think Hudson really enjoyed it too!

We grabbed a snack inside first at the Expo (really mommy and grandma wanted to do some shopping!)

Then it was outside to the petting zoo

Hudson was a little more interested in the mulch

Eventually wanted to see the animals though

The animals were a little too eager for mommy (notice my left hip being eaten by the deer)

Hudson was not very interested in this...

Daddy got in and tried to show Hudson how to do it

He got the hang of it though all on his own

Then it was time for a pony ride with daddy

LOVE these two guys!!

Love my grandma & grandpa

"Can I ride just one more ride?!"

He was just about asleep towards the end of the ride!!

We had so much fun and can't wait until next year's Fair & Expo!!