Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy birthday to my sweet baby boy!

Today was so much fun, the family was in town to celebrate Hudson's birthday. I don't know that Hudson really knew what was going on but I could tell he LOVED all his presents!

A little play time with daddy before the party

He was helping me decorate!

He really didn't know what to think about this!


Daddy offered to help!


"Now I got the hang of this!"

"Oh yea!"

Yay for presents!

Giving kisses to his puppy he got

Digging in his new toy box

Sliding with Uncle Trey

All the kiddos

One happy day!

Lil' stinker...he so looks like he's been caught doing something

Daddy helping him out with the toys

I'd say it was an overall good day...Hudson sure was having a blast!

Thank you to all who came and helped us celebrate Hudson's birthday, it was so much fun! After his party, we decided to take the family to Grand Station Entertainment for some laser tag and video games. Well, poor Hudson, tripped and fell and now we have a BIG busted lip. That lil' ole lip can sure bleed like crazy - thankfully we have Aunt Nurse Jaclyn there to help us out. You had quite an eventful day, you bumped your head in the morning, had a tiring birthday party, then busted your lip - we're hoping for a LONG night of sleeping!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

1 year photos

We took some family photos to celebrate Hudson's first birthday...we won this photo package at a fundraising event and were really pleased with how they turned out.

I love seeing how these two interact with one another!!

So sweet...

Check out that eyebrow...just like his momma!

Sweet baby blues!!

LOVE this precious lil' face!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My sweet "baby" boy - 1 year old!

Oh my sweet baby boy, you are 1 year old today. Who would have thought someone so tiny could bring so much happiness to our lives? I remember the day you were born, someone asked me "Did you ever think you could love something so much so instantaneously?" I answered "no" and am still amazed a year later at how much love my heart feels for you!

You are getting so big sweet boy, a whopping 22 pounds and 29 1/2 inches long. Dr. Ransom says you are growing just fine, staying within the 25th and 50th percentile. You are walking, no make that running, everywhere!!! Mommy and daddy sure do love chasing you around everywhere, although you sure are a quick little critter! You aren't quite talking but you are sure close, you LOVE to babble a lot and it makes my heart smile so big to listen to you. You are wearing 12 month clothes...a little big, but it's room to grow. You are still in size 3 diapers, although you are starting to fill them up at night time. Still wearing the same shoes, but mainly like to walk around barefoot. We have pretty much transitioned completely to table food and whole milk. I think you will have just a few more ounces of formula before it's just milk. You are such a healthy eater, you love bananas, mandarin oranges and beans, lima beans, carrots, squash and then CHICKEN. You love some chicken!! I do love watching you eat, you eat by colors...the brightest are usually the first to go - so mainly the carrots or squash, then greens and then the chicken. You get your fruit last as dessert and you gobble that up so fast!! You don't really take a bottle during the day anymore, it's just sippy cups, but you still get your bottle at bed time. You are getting better about your napping, still have your moments but a lot better. Teeth...oh your teeth. You now have one of your molars and the other is trying hard to come in, you are taking it like a champ but I can tell you are sure hurting. You are giving kisses out and even some hugs every now and then. Still not really doing "bye-bye" on command but randomly we get a good one out of you. You are getting really clingy!!! I love it but it also makes me a little sad at times. You're still my wonderful sleeper at night, we don't ever have a problem with you going to bed!! (Thank goodness!)

Oh my sweet baby boy, I can not believe that one year ago I was meeting you for the first time. Mommy and daddy can't get enough of your sweet smiles, your cries, your babbles, you hugs and kisses. You have brought so much more to our lives. We are getting ready for everyone to come into town this weekend and celebrate your birthday!!

Happy birthday sweet monkey! You are mommy and daddy's pride and joy and we love you very much!